An award winning range of herptile food
Suitable for many species!
We have confirmed that our products are accepted by a wide range of species
Range suitabiliaty
Please use the below feeding suitability chart as a guide to decide on the best choice for your pet. The color indicates the ideal food(s)
Insectivorous Reptiles
Leopard Gecko
Red-Eyed Crocodile Skink
Panther Chameleon
Veiled Chameleon
Tokay Gecko
African Fat-Tailed Gecko
New Caledonian Giant Gecko
Giant Gecko
Gargoyle Gecko
Green Iguana(juvenile)
Green Iguana
Central Bearded Dragon
Central Bearded Dragon (juvenile)
Ocellated Lizard
Sudan Plated Lizard
Spiny-Tailed Lizard
Checkerboard Worm Lizard
Box Turtle
Omnivorous Reptiles
Crested Gecko
Mossy New Caledonian Gecko
Madagascar Day Gecko
Day Gecko
Water Dragon
Lawson's Bearded
Takydromus dorsalis
Blue-Tongued Skink
Herbivorous Turtle
Testudo Hermanni
Testudo Graeca
Russian Tortoise
Chelonoidis Carbonarius
Insectivorous Reptiles
Leopard Gecko
Red-Eyed Crocodile Skink
Panther Chameleon
Veiled Chameleon
Tokay Gecko
African Fat-Tailed Gecko
New Caledonian Giant Gecko
Green Iguana(juvenile)
Central Bearded Dragon
Ocellated Lizard
Checkerboard Worm Lizard
Box Turtle
Omnivorous Reptiles
Crested Gecko
Mossy New Caledonian Gecko
Madagascar Day Gecko
Takydromus dorsalis
Blue-Tongued Skink
Insectivorous Reptiles
Giant Gecko
Gargoyle Gecko
Omnivorous Reptiles
Crested Gecko
Day Gecko
Insectivorous Reptiles
Green Iguana(juvenile)
Central Bearded Dragon (juvenile)
Ocellated Lizard
Sudan Plated Lizard
Omnivorous Reptiles
Water Dragon
Lawson's Bearded
Insectivorous Reptiles
Green Iguana
Central Bearded Dragon
Spiny-Tailed Lizard
Omnivorous Reptiles
Blue-Tongued Skink
Insectivorous Reptiles
Green Iguana(juvenile)
Green Iguana
Spiny-Tailed Lizard
Herbivorous Turtle
Testudo Hermanni
Testudo Graeca
Russian Tortoise
Chelonoidis Carbonarius
Advantages of Hikari®
Nutrient-packed complete diet,full of vitamins
Perfect nutritional balance
- "Gut loading" (adding nutrients to live food) or dusting is not required
- No risk of parasites
- We successfully bred 2nd & 3rd generation Leopard Geckos with the parents and babies eating only LeopaGel™
Precise feeding with no mixing,no hassle and no mess
Easy to feed, and with reduced odor
- No mixing or measuring required, just squeeze out and feed
- Significantly Reduces Odor
93.3% of the respondents answered that the feces from individuals fed with LeopaGel™ had less odor
PAccepted and eaten by most reptiles on first try
Highly Palatable
Q&A (LeopaGel™ and other Gel items)
- If the LeopaGel™ is runny when exiting the spout, is it still ok to feed?
- There will be no negative impact on the reptile’s health if this material is consumed. However, we recommend removing any watery gel, because it includes almost no nutrition or fiavors.
- How long are the Gel items good for if kept in the fridge?
- All of our testing shows remains safe for about 30 days when used and kept as directed. While we have confirmed it still safe up to 60 days (only a very small number of bacteria were found), we recommend using it within 30 days to avoid any bacteria issues caused by your utensils or gloved fingers touching the spout area.
Furthermore, LeopaGel™ gradually loses its fiavorful taste and texture with time. Please remember, all our Gel items, are free of preservatives that can harm your pet reptile over time. For this reason, refrigeration after opening and use within 30 days is very important! - I forgot to put Gel items in the refrigerator after opening, is it still OK to use?
- Gel items contain no preservatives and the quality degrades rapidly if you don’t keep it refrigerated. Especially in warmer room temperatures, it can be harmful very rapidly. Therefore, please always keep Gel items in the refrigerator once opened and never use it if it has an unpleasant smell or the package starts to swell. Both are indications the quality has degraded and is not safe to feed your pet.
- When using Gel items stored in the refrigerator, should I wait until the food reaches room temperature before use?
- Feeding trials at the Hikari® Aquatic Lab found no digestive or growth problems, even when we feed Gel items immediately after removing it from the refrigerator.
If you are not comfortable feeding a cold product or you keep your refrigerator very low, pick off the proper amount of food and wait until it gets to room temperature before feeding. Under no circumstances should you let the food warm for more than 15 minutes and never allow it to come in contact with any surface that could transfer bacteria to it during this time. Anything the food touches while warming will also be eaten by your pet. - I stored Gel items in a freezer after opening. Can I still use it?
- While our testing at the Hikari® Aquatic Laboratory has found that freezing doesn’t reduce the nutritional content of the food and can help it last longer, we do not recommend freezing. Once frozen Gel items won’t have its normal texture and cannot retain its shape as moisture is lost during thawing.
- When I started feeding my gecko LeopaGel™, it got diarrhea. Should I stop feeding?
- It is possible that some geckos can have watery feces when switching from one food to another. We have found this to be a temporary issue with no negative impact to the reptile unless it persists for more than a few days.
- How many crickets is the nutritional value of LeopaGel™ equivalent to?
- Approximately 1cm of LeopaGel™ offers the calories of about three 2cm crickets, but much better nutrition.
- Length: 20 to 25 cm
- Lifespan: 10 years
- Character: Gentle, Nocturnal
- Tale autotomy: Carefully handling is required to avoid self-amputation.
Ideal For Insect-Eating Reptiles
A Scientifically Formulated Growth & Maintenance Diet For Insect-Eating Reptiles Like Leopard Geckos
- No Mixing Required
- Lab-Verified Nutrient Mix
- Delightful Taste
- Reduces Odor
1. Tear off using feeding forceps.
2. Dangling.
3. Enjoy!
- A dry/hard piece of food can form at the pouch opening and beginning of the stick. Dispose of this.
- Best size to tear off around 2cm.
- Easy to eat, no residue, no stains on the pet's mouth and cage.
Feeding amount & frequency
For baby geckos(5-20g) feed a small amount(around 2 of 1cm gel)daily.
For adults(50-60g) feed 2 of 2cm gel every 2-3 days based ontheir size.
- A healthy individual with good nutritional reserves will be fine without food for a week or two.
- Approximately 1cm of LeopaGel™ offers the calories of about three 2cm crickets,but much better nutrition.
- Always keep refrigerated after opening.
Ideal For Insect-Eating Reptiles
A Scientifically Formulated Growth & Maintenance Diet For Insect-Eating Reptiles Like Leopard Geckos.
- LeopaGel™ Benefits In An Easy To Use Pellet
- A Sponge-Like Texture Because It Matters
- Delightful Taste
- The "Hikari-Germ™" Benefit
- Highly Stable Offering
- Easy Of Use & Economical Too
1. Add water to soften the Leopa Delite™.
2. Once absorbed, feed.
3. Enjoy!
- Length: 20 to 25 cm
- Lifespan: 10 years
- Character: Gentle, Nocturnal
- Tale Autotomy: Carefully handling is required to avoid self-amputation.
Ideal For Fruit & Insect-Eating Geckos
A Growth And Maintenance Diet For Most Fruit & Insect-Eating Geckos, Like Crested Geckos, Giant Geckos And Phelsuma Day Geckos.
- No Mixing Required
- Delightful Taste
- Lab-Verified Nutrient Mix
- Reduces Odor
1. Squeeze out on to a spoon.
2. Offer gel from below.
1. Squeeze out on to a food container.
2. Install the container on the wall.
Feeding amount & frequency
For baby geckos: Feed every night. For adults: Feed every 2-3days.
If any CrestGelTM remains in the morning, it needs to be removed and disposed.
Feed well during the growing season and after spawning, but rarely before and after molting, during the breeding season and before spawning.
- Length: 40 to 50 cm
- Lifespan: 8 to 10 years
- Character: Gentle, Diurnal
- Tale Autotomy: None
Their diet changes from insect to vegetable food as Bearded Dragon matures, so we recommend changing from DragonGel™ to Dragon Delite™.
- Obesity is the cause of illness so resist overfeeding when your Bearded Dragon matures into an adult.
Ideal For Vegetable & Insect-Eating Lizards
A Growth And Maintenance Diet For Most Vegetable & Insect-Eating Lizards, Like Bearded Dragons, Ocellated Lizards & Water Dragons.
- Scientifically Formulated For Each Life Stage
- Delightful Taste
- Reduces Odor
- Lab-Verified Nutrient Mix
1. Squeeze out. 1
2. Cut by forceps. 2
3. Dangling.
4. Enjoy!
- 1 A dry/hard piece of food can form at the pouch opening and beginning of the stick. Dispose of this.
- 2 Best to cut off around 2cm size.
Ideal For Vegetable & Insect-Eating Lizards
A Scientifically Formulated, Probiotic Enhanced Pellet For Insect & Vegetable Eating Lizards Like Adult Bearded Dragons.
- Scientifically Formulated For Each Life Stage
- Delightful Taste
- Reduces Odor
- Lab-Verified Nutrient Mix
1. Add water to soften the Dragon Delite™.
2. Once absorbed, feed.
3. Enjoy!
Ideal For Tortoise & Herbivorous Lizards
A Scientifically Formulated, Probiotic Enhanced Pellet For Tortoise & Herbivorous Lizards Like Adult Spiny-Tailed Lizards or Iguana.
- Mulberry Leaf Offers Superior Nutrition
- Fiber Rich
- Enhances Water Retention
- Balanced Nutrition & Unique Texture
- No color additives
- The "Hikari-Germ™" Benefit
For optimum results please soak the pellets in pure, fresh water for at least 5 minutes before feeding. This allows each pellet to completely hydrate and take on the preferred texture. The pellet will become 4X heavier when completely waterlogged.
While Mulberific Delite™ is intended to be an exclusive food; many herbivorous tortoises also like wild grasses or vegetables and forest dwellers like fruits, all of which can be fed, if desired, but will impact the finely tuned nutrient profile of the diet thereby reducing its benefits.